[Grails] Integration of ZK and Grails

flyisland 2007-10-24


Hi guys,

Has anyone successfully integrated ZK and Grails? I tried to do that today, but all the *.zul return a blank page!

zk 3.0.0 RC
grails 1.0 RC1

1) create a blank grails app
2) create a sample domain class and a controller for it
3) 'grails run-app', it's ok
4) add zk's lib to grails_app/lib
5) 'grails install-template'
6) modify grails_app/src/template/war/web.xml to add zk's related configuration
7) add a simple ' index.zul' under grails_app/webapp/
8) 'grails run-app'

Now I got a blank page when I tried to access the 'index.zul'!

Grails is a perfect framework of Service/Domain layer, and ZK is perfect on view layer, so I want to integrate both of them. 

Any ideas welcome!
山风小子 2007-10-24
I also wanted to integrate these two wonderful frameworks before, but failed eventually. Maybe because I am not a patient person
agile_boy 2007-10-25
flyisland 2007-10-25
2007-10-25 10:15:45 org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.LanguageDefinition <init>:326
警告: Replicated language: xhtml, overriden by [LanguageDefinition: xhtml]
2007-10-25 10:15:45 org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.LanguageDefinition <init>:326
警告: Replicated language: xml, overriden by [LanguageDefinition: xml]
2007-10-25 10:15:45 org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.LanguageDefinition <init>:326
警告: Replicated language: xul/html, overriden by [LanguageDefinition: xul/html]
2007-10-25 10:15:45 org.zkoss.util.resource.ClassLocator getDependentXMLResources:107

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