[Grails] 在Grails中如何配置过滤器?我找不到web.xml!

zengsun 2007-12-02
使用grails war生成的war包中倒是有,看来是临时生成的!
agile_boy 2007-12-03
zengsun 2007-12-03

Participating in web.xml Generation

Grails generates the WEB-INF/web.xml file at load time, and although plugins cannot change this file directly, they can participate in the generation of the file. Essentially a plugin can provide a doWithWebDescriptor property that is assigned a block of code that gets passed the web.xml as a XmlSlurper GPathResult.

Consider the below example from the ControllersPlugin:
def doWithWebDescriptor = { webXml ->
	def mappingElement = webXml.'servlet-mapping'
	mappingElement + {
		'servlet-mapping' {

Here the plugin goes through gets a reference to the last <servlet-mapping> element and appends Grails' servlet to the end of it using XmlSlurper's ability to programmatically modify XML using closures and blocks.
zengsun 2007-12-03
Although Grails controllers support fine grained interceptors, these are only really useful when applied to a few controllers and become difficult to manage with larger applications. Filters on the other hand can be applied across a whole group of controllers, a URI space or a to a specific action. Filters are far easier to plug-in and maintain completely separately to your main controller logic and are useful for all sorts of cross cutting concerns such as security, logging, and so on.

6.6.1 Applying Filters
To create a filter create a class that ends with the convention Filters in the grails-app/conf directory. Within this class define a code block called filters that contains the filter definitions:

class ExampleFilters {
   def filters = {
        // your filters here

Each filter you define within the filters block has a name and a scope. The name is the method name and the scope is defined using named arguments. For example if you need to define a filter that applies to all controllers and all actions you can use wildcards:

sampleFilter(controller:'*', action:'*') {
  // interceptor definitions

The scope of the filter can be one of the following things:

    * A controller and/or action name pairing with optional wildcards
    * A URI

Some examples of filters include:

    * All controllers and actions

all(controller:'*', action:'*') {


    * Only for the BookController

justBook(controller:'book', action:'*') {


    * Applied to a URI space

someURIs(uri:'/book/*') {


    * Applied to all URIs

allURIs(uri:'/*') {


In addition, the order in which you define the filters dictates the order in which they are executed.
6.6.2 Filter Types
Within the body of the filter you can then define one of the following interceptor types for the filter:

    * before - Executed before the action. Can return false to indicate all future filters and the action should not execute
    * after - Executed after an action. Takes a first argument as the view model
    * afterView - Executed after view rendering

For example to fulfill the common authentication use case you could define a filter as follows:

class SecurityFilters {
   def filters = {
       loginCheck(controller:'*', action:'*') {
           before = {
              if(session.user && actionName.equals('login')) {
                  return false

} } }

Here the loginCheck filter uses a before interceptor to execute a block of code that checks if a user is in the session and if not redirects to the login action. Note how returning false ensure that the action itself is not executed.
6.6.3 Filter Capabilities
Filters support most of the common properties available to controllers and tag libraries including:

    * request - The HttpServletRequest object
    * response - The HttpServletResponse object
    * session - The HttpSession object
    * servletContext - The ServletContext object
    * controllers - The ApplicationContext object
    * params - The request parameters object
    * actionName - The action name that is being dispatched to
    * controllerName - The controller name that is being dispatched to

However, filters only support a subset of the methods available to controllers and tag libraries. These include:

    * redirect - For redirects to other controllers and actions
    * render - For rendering custom responses

zengsun 2007-12-03
class CompressFilters {
    def filters = {
        gzip(uri: '/js/ext/*.gz') {
            before = {
                response.addHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')

zengsun 2007-12-04
agile_boy 2007-12-04
zengsun 2007-12-04
然后在匹配的url加 Content-Encoding=gzip。
zengsun 2007-12-04
zengsun 2007-12-07
grails install-templates

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